Can anyone remember when I informed you about Ladyhawke coming out?
Well, in the comments, I received quite a few relatively rude remarks about all lesbians being ugly. Of course, we've all heard the "she's only gay because no men want her" statement.
So I wanted to show you all that this is not the case.
Many, many gay women are extremely hot. Here are a few.
Portia De Rossi.

The other half of the world's most famous lesbian, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia is definitely hot. Is she gay? Yes. Could she get possibly any man in the world? Yes. Suck on that.
Chely Wright.

Also easy on the eyes is country singer, Chely. No one gets invited to pose in their underwear for FHM if they're not nice to look at, right?
Not to mention there are some pretty gorgeous bisexual ladies out there too: Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore and Anna Paquin to name but a few.

I'm not trying to typecast all the feminine queer women as the 'hot ones', but of course to a bigoted, heterosexual male, the only ones worth looking at are the girly ones. They're generally all too shallow to look at the boyish cuteness of Ellen DeGeneres, Tegan & Sara and Rachel Maddow.
Finally, as a request, I've been asked to post a picture of myself, the writer of this blog, for you all to judge whether or not I'm ugly myself.

I'm not bisexual, or straight, I'm simply a lesbian. But am I ugly? Do you think I'm incapable of attracting male attention? You decide.
youre gorgeous!
not all lesbians are ugly!
You are so gorgeous! You could definitely get some (unwanted) male attention.
Yes, you are very gorgey! And I loved this post. Because nothing is more annoying than when losers say that lesbians are all ugly.
Genuine conversation I overheard on a university minibus the other day...
Guy 1 - Seriously, there are like, THREE girls on my course, as opposed to around 70 guys.
Guy 2 - Man, that sucks. I'll bet they're all lesbos too.
Guy 1 - Yeah. They are a bit rough...
I decided that a well-timed "What. The. Actual. Fuck. did you just say??" was in order. It seemed to do the job.
Hey girl you are definitly a cutty and I have no doubt that you have guy eyes on you often. I am not that good looking but I'm not an ugly lesbian nor are all lesians ugly. That's a statement from jealous people, my opinion.
I'm a gay male from the USA and on the topic of lesbians only coming out as lesbians because they can't get male attention. When I came out to my mom she decided that I only came out because I wanted my friends to stop giving me crap about not having a girl friend??? And btw I've watched some of your YouTube videos with a girl friend of mine and on top of having a totally sexy accent you are apparently lickable??? Whatever that means??? LOL :)
You already know your gorgeous. I hear people say that far too often, so thanks for writing about it. To educate mindless people!
Oh! Oh! Clementine Ford. Her dimples kill me. And I'm not a bad looking lesbian myself. I actually get more guy attention than girl attention :-/ Lame.
Oops. Where are my manners. I should add: I'd be thrilled if there were more lesbians that looked like you in Cincinnati. There. Compliment. Done.
So you post two pictures of pretty lesbians as proof that lesbians are not ugly? lol
Come on. I'm a lesbian and I consider myself pretty and I know there are some beautiful, feminine lesbians out there however, a significant amount of lesbians are absolutely hideous. To make things even worse, those who are beautiful and feminine are usually closeted bisexuals or straight women who've had problems with men and who now date a hideous butch dyke. It sucks but it's true.
I said not ALL lesbians are ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I don't think you calling butch dykes 'hideous' is really fair.
And thank you to the rest of you for your kind comments! :)
Lets face it, with their short cropped hair, tattoos, hairy armpits and a face that makes the back end of a camel look good, most of them are not about to win any beauty contests!
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