After my 'Blondes I Would...' blog, I had many requests to do other lists of the same nature.
For example, someone asked for this one: a list of the top redheads.
So here goes, in no particular order. (And don't shoot me if I miss out your favourite.)
Kate Walsh.

You have to know Kate. Formerly Addison on Grey's Anatomy, which was followed by her character having her own spin-off show in Private Practice. I've never actually seen her in anything else, but I don't care. She's gorgeous.
Christina Hendricks.

I have never ever seen anything Christina has been in, I'm not going to lie. I do know she's in Mad Men and I definitely know she's gorgeous. So she makes the list.
Drew Barrymore.

Drew. Ah, Drew. You'll definitely know her from things such as E.T., Charlie's Angels & her directorial debut in Whip It! And I can't help it: she's my favourite red head. In love.
Alyson Hannigan.

Anyone who knows me will know I love a chick with a personality, and Alyson definitely has one. Probably best known for her roles in cult classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer, American Pie and How I Met Your Mother, Alyson also has a pretty face to match that gorgeous personality.
Marcia Cross.

Everyone loves a MILF, and that's what Marcia is. She just happens to have red hair too. Definitely most well known for her acting skills as the lovely Bree on Desperate Housewives.
Kate Winslet.

I have to admit, I do enjoy Kate as a blonde, but she does just as well as a fiery redhead. Of course, you'll know her from Titanic, but I love her in The Holiday. Lord knows why, I just do.
I think that's enough to wet your appetite ;)
If you're good I may have another list for you to drool over.