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Saturday 28 March 2009

Clementine Ford goes back in the closet...

My life is no longer complete: this week, The L Word actress Clementine Ford claims that she didn't previously come out in an interview with UK magzine DIVA.

A couple of months back, I blogged about Ms. Ford allegedly 'coming out of the closet' during an interview. (You can see the whole blog here.)

However, now she is saying the complete opposite. She claims that she never came out, and just spoke about how she didn't want to put a label on herself.

The article also pushed forward false rumors about Clemetine's private life with Kate Moennig (aka Shane McCutcheon) and twisted what she said about her work on The L Word.

She said of the article:

That Diva article also picked up quotes from a podcast interview I did with where the interviewer asked me if the sex on The L Word was real, and I very jokingly said, “Yes, we actually had sex. The L Word is porn. The secret’s out!” And the Diva writer printed it as fact that Kate and I had real sex on camera! I was like, “Oh, my God, I hate you!” I almost wrote a nasty letter and then I stopped myself because I thought, if anyone is stupid enough to actually believe that Showtime would let us have real sex, then that’s not my problem. So that was that. But it made me very angry.

So there we have it. Sorry to burst your bubble ladies... Still, whatever our Clem classes herself as, she's still beautiful.

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