I thought I should inform you of the lesbians in the crowd of the eviction of Sylvia Barrie, as they made me laugh hysterically when I saw them! Clad with a giant rainbow flag bearing the words 'Davina's Darlington Dykes' in honor of show host Davina McCall, the 3 lesbians (who wanted to make it clear that they were from Darlington) were doing it for the dykes by being out and proud on national live TV.
Do we need more dykes like them? We sure do.
And is anyone else praying for a hot lesbian to replace out gay man Dennis McHugh? I certainly am.
lol why dont lez's watch big brother?
haha I'm not sure, maybe it's just the ones I know who don't.
but I'm sure they do secretly but just won't admit it ;)
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