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Monday 19 September 2011

Lost Girl: Is It Worth Watching?

Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts, ladies. I've had internet trouble for far too long. Anyway, I'm baaaaack!

So, I've been told by several of my friends to watch the show Lost Girl.

Firstly, I'm far too lazy to google it to find out what it's about and secondly, the title "Lost Girl" for a TV show just reminds me of Gossip Girl, which I clearly do not watch.

From what my friends have told me, it's a supernatural type drama (which makes me think Buffy), but they've also said it sucks in some areas, i.e. the plot lines are sometimes lame. (Hello, Gossip Girl).

However, I do know that there's lesbian/bisexual characters in it.

That last one is usually a deal-maker for me, but I really have no interest whatsoever in this show. Maybe it's the sucky title, maybe it's that it just looks low-budget (and not in a good way), but I don't want to watch it.

So I challenge you/want your opinion.

Should I watch 'Lost Girl'? If yes, what do you think will persuade me to do so?


greenfrog12 said...

ok, yes yes yes u should really watch this show,, canada knows how to do lady love,, its real story about their love , not about them being lesbian or the same ole stuff american tv gives us over and over ,i have never seen two women with this much chemistry, am telling you u wont be sorry,, unless u dont watch lost girl,, and miss out !!

lezstar said...

I am happy to report, I have since watched Lost Girl and I'm now addicted ;)

Slider44 said...

You should really watch it. Its the reason i join tumblr a moth ago! =) Its great and I am addicted. And the reason I saw your site is because i am looking for some lost girl articles =) Check out my blog:

Slider44 said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time. It doesn't worth it.
Kisses from Spain