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Wednesday 25 August 2010

Everyone Loves A Good Redhead.

After my 'Blondes I Would...' blog, I had many requests to do other lists of the same nature.

For example, someone asked for this one: a list of the top redheads.

So here goes, in no particular order. (And don't shoot me if I miss out your favourite.)

Kate Walsh.

You have to know Kate. Formerly Addison on Grey's Anatomy, which was followed by her character having her own spin-off show in Private Practice. I've never actually seen her in anything else, but I don't care. She's gorgeous.

Christina Hendricks.

I have never ever seen anything Christina has been in, I'm not going to lie. I do know she's in Mad Men and I definitely know she's gorgeous. So she makes the list.

Drew Barrymore.

Drew. Ah, Drew. You'll definitely know her from things such as E.T., Charlie's Angels & her directorial debut in Whip It! And I can't help it: she's my favourite red head. In love.

Alyson Hannigan.

Anyone who knows me will know I love a chick with a personality, and Alyson definitely has one. Probably best known for her roles in cult classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer, American Pie and How I Met Your Mother, Alyson also has a pretty face to match that gorgeous personality.

Marcia Cross.

Everyone loves a MILF, and that's what Marcia is. She just happens to have red hair too. Definitely most well known for her acting skills as the lovely Bree on Desperate Housewives.

Kate Winslet.

I have to admit, I do enjoy Kate as a blonde, but she does just as well as a fiery redhead. Of course, you'll know her from Titanic, but I love her in The Holiday. Lord knows why, I just do.

I think that's enough to wet your appetite ;)

If you're good I may have another list for you to drool over.


Anonymous said...

Redheads are mostly HOT, so like them!
Greetings from Flanders,
Dyke extraordinaire

Natja's Natterings said...

Most of those are not natural, quite a few are naturally light brown or blonde, including the lovely Christina Hendricks (yes I DO watch Mad Men).

I will also like to add to the list Deborah Ann Woll, who plays Baby vamp 'Jessica' on True blood, she is very pretty and her character is a great deal of fun.

lezstar said...

Nowhere in this blog did I state they had to be natural.

Natja's Natterings said...

Haha!! True, but I am a pedant.

Unknown said...

my fave redhead is Marian Aguilera, who played Silvia in Los Hombres De Paco (gay character in a Spanish series).

MormonLesbian said...

Julianne Moore is my second favorite redhead (Marcia Cross being my first).

cjmax02 said...

mmm, Kate Winslet.

Anonymous said...

Red-heads... mmmm.... never understand anyone preferring blondes.

Fae said...

OOOooo. I second the Julianne More inclusion. And I'd like to add Marián Aguilera for all the PepSi LHDP fans out there!

Anonymous said...

don't forget cutie... Emma stone :)

jahamette said...

Where's Tori Amos?!

Josie said...

OH JESUS. *infinite praise for this post* I have THE BIGGEST THING for redheads--it's a little bit ridiculous. Christina Hendricks is DEFINITELY up there, as well as Kate Winslet, Julianne Moore, and Emma Stone, but I also LOVELOVELOVE:
Amy Adams
Debra Messing
Kathryn Prescott (of Naomily from Skins fame)
Kirsten Dunst (in Spiderman movies)
Nicole Kidman (in Moulin Rouge....*drools*)
Rachel Hurd Wood
And maybe my all-time favorite........Lena Katina from the Russian girl duo tATu. *INLOVEINLOVEINLOVE*

So there you have my favorite fiery redheads of screen and stage. <3 Just thought I'd commend your idea for a post.....and maybe add a few of my own. :-D

Jack Rudd said...

Also Alicia Witt (particularly as Zoey from Cybill).