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Monday, 24 October 2011

Rihanna... Is GAY

Okay, okay, she's not.

Well, probably.

It was reported, however, that "RiRi" was spotted in Paris carrying a lesbian bondage manual.
Here's was TruthDive had to say.

London, Oct 23 (ANI): Rihanna was recently snapped leaving a Paris hotel clutching an “X rated lesbian bondage” manual.
The book, entitled Omahyra and Boyd, is by photographer Ellen von Unwerth, and contains graphic sexual imagery of nudity, women in bondage gear and lesbian lovemaking.
The Barbadian beauty had worked closely with Unwerth in the past, who shot the artwork to promote the singer’s 2009 album ‘Rated R’, the Daily Mail reported.
Rihanna, 23, recently performed her ‘LOUD’ tour in Paris. 
(Source | TruthDive) 

Well I'm not too sure what this means.

Surely Rihanna isn't planning on doing another S&M style video, this time with lesbians?

Hopefully, Rihanna is subtly coming out to us. (We know it's never gonna happen, but we can dream, right?)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

National Coming Out Day

Hey you gays!

So yesterday was National Coming Out day. The day to tell those selected people that you're gay, or indeed tell them your "coming out story".

I'll start you off with the lovely Portia de Rossi's take on the whole situation.

[My sexuality is] a part of me that I really like. But it's not the totality of me. It's not a passion of mine to become political in any way, but I do think it's important to see gay men and women having big careers and very full, rich lives.
(Source | AfterEllen)

Amen. I personally agree with every word.

Okay, my turn.

I knew I was gay from the time I was around 8 years old. It wasn't until I was 14 that I got my first girlfriend and told my closes friends that I was attracted to women, but they accepted it straight away and didn't give it a second though. (I guess that's just my generation). I must have been around 16 when my parents found out.

My Mother, bless her, caught me watching The L Word, and asked me if I was gay. When I said yes, she reacted in a bad way. She came home from work crying on several occasions, and my Dad said it made him feel sick. Out of guilt, I told her I was kidding, and I went back in the closet for another year.

However, I couldn't stay in there for long - it wasn't who I was. Playing "straight" wasn't my forte, even if I did look kinda femme. This time, they were much more angry about it. Not upset, but angry. But after time, I introduced my parents to a girl I was in a serious relationship with.

They didn't like it, but they accepted it. They even let her stay over at my house; something that a couple of years previously wouldn't have even been an option.

So my "story" isn't the most thrilling and it's filled with passive aggressive homophobia, but it's still mine. I'm so proud of my parents now, because they accept me for who I am.

Which reminds me: it does get better.

Now it's your turn.

Tell me your coming out stories below! Maybe yours is funnier or happier than mine.

Don't be shy!