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Saturday 28 June 2014

Femme F**K You!: "Nice Tits"

Femme F**k You: About the series

"Being a femme lesbian is much harder than you would think. We've all been overlooked by hot dykes who have mistaken us as heterosexual, and we've all been chatted up by that creepy straight dude who wants a threesome with you and your girlfriend. Femme, F**k You is dedicated to the highs and lows of being a femme lesbian and how I view the gay world through a feminine lens."

Femme, F**k You!: “NICE TITS!”

Though this is without doubt a problem that many young girls face daily, despite their sexuality, I am 9 million per cent sure that femme lesbians will agree with me most on this one.

To read THE FULL ARTICLE on Pink Lobster Dating (don't worry - it's free!), click HERE!

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