My theory is that everyone in the world is gay, but few dare admit it.

The reason I came up with this? Well just recently, I've been noticing the growing amounts of gay and bisexual people coming out, and was just wondering: maybe all people are and are just too afraid to say!
Crazy? Well, I was thinking, and maybe one rebellious person (there's always a bad guy in every story) wrote the Bible long ago, speaking of how man and woman were meant to be together, confusing all the new little people of the world. You know, Adam & Eve, yadda yadda yadda... Then from that day on, everyone saw homosexuality as something to be ashamed of, and became afraid to tell anyone of their same-sex attraction.
It could be possible! Don't knock it until there's proof... (Okay, I get that there is no way of proving this, just shut up and don't be picky.)
As for Christians, (or people of other religions who oppose homosexuality) they're so far in denial that they would never think about being with someone of the same sex in fear of doing their precious God wrong... Or would they? ;)
I understand that men have for centuries used women to breed their offspring, (I won't bore you with the whole 'the sperm and the egg' notion) but would God really have given us the ability to develop new humans in other ways - ie. IVF - if he didn't want the whole of the world to be gay? I seriously think it's conceivable that God himself is gay and we have the whole thing wrong: prop 8 should be questioning the marriage between a man and a woman and Christians should be questioning whether or not God would forgive people committing 'straight sex'.
I also understand that the sudden burst of people 'coming out' around me may just be because I'm getting older, more experienced at life etc... But just think about it: How great would the world be if it was just G.A.Y?!
P.s. Obviously, if you're 'straight' and reading this, you're gonna be sat there saying "What a load of bullsh*t, I know I'm straight!" But my theory also suggests that straight people are just too insecure and scared to admit their love of the same sex because we got it all wrong from the very beginning.
I think this post is actually really refreshing. Finally, someone who's willing to think outside the box a bit! I remember reading about something called 'Innate Bisexuality' which kinda sounds like this, I guess.
I agree with Matt that your post is very refreshing. It made me laugh quite a bit as well. Keep it up. :)
hi, i think i chanced upon your blog once... probably from afterellen? but then you added me recently on twitter and i found your blog again. and so the interconnectedness of all things lesbian continue huh. and i've finally decided to post a comment here. anyway, i was thinking that i would LOVE for the whole world to actually be gay. then gays would stop being so persecuted, and life would be SO much simpler. but i really think that as much as we're so sure we're gay, most of them are really sure they're straight. and i say this because i know super gay friendly people, who are SUPER straight. the people whom we should really HIGHLY suspect have homo tendencies are the most staunch homophobes themselves. those closetted repressed people have the most hate. duh. how hateful is it to see other people braver than you living the life you should be living!
- jeyss (from twitter)
Jeyss... Don't burst my bubble! :( hah!
I agree with the closetted/repressed thing though - it sucks when those kinds of people aren't self-confident enough to be themselves.
I have grown up in a Christian home with strict rules and values. I turned out gay as gay can be. My first time with a girl was in ther toilets at my posh christian school, we skipped bible class. Id never met anyone like her, a new girl to town, rebellious and so completely infatuated with me. wot could i say???men had treated me like crap and now a woman was loving me like no other. I dont think god is gay, he couldnt be...i think there is a god and i know im going to hell because of my sexuality. It wont stop me living my life, after all they say child molesters can enter heaven if they repent...wot sort of place can it be then????
well lezstar, if you find a world where everyone's really gay, tell me and i'll join you there :)
and lickinglesbian (nice nick btw, haha) well i'm more agnostic than anything, so i'm not really sure there's a god. but i dont think homosexuality is wrong at all. and i had this opinion way before i realised i was gay, so it's not just my bias. and i dont think that being a homosexual means one will go to hell. i'm pretty sure i'm going to hell... but not because i'm gay. hahahaha :) so it really sucks that you think that you're going to hell merely because you're gay! still, it's very brave of you to live life proudly despite your belief. for that, i salute you.
No, I'm not sure that we're all going to hell because of that (check out my thoughts on gays going to hell here: but I also feel encouraged by LickingLesbian's comments.
The reason you are confused is that sexual activity is fun.
However, if you masturbate, strangely you are not called a mono-sexual. In contrast, due to the special status homosexuality receives, it is still an insult to be called gay, especially when called that from a gay person.
When a gay person calls someone gay they mean to imply that you no longer like members of the opposite sex. How one could come to that conclusion makes no sense.
Rubbing private parts is fun, one can't deny that. If one can do that alone one can do that with others regardless of their gender.
That does not in any way change the fact that women and men solely can have the special bond that forms due to having the same biological offspring.
Our private parts are not very bright, and that's all one really needs to say about why people would enjoy sex that doesn't lead to reproduction.
However, the real telling issue which really points out the stupidity of this whole gay thing is that while you are saying everyone is gay, its due to the fact that probably everyone would enjoy engaging in intercourse with a member of the same sex with no strings attached. In your world that means they are gay. Which then means that even though they would do the same with someone of the opposite sex, you would label them and insult them.
You are half right and dead wrong. Everyone can enjoy gay sex and heterosexual sex.
You would say that that makes everyone gay, I would say that that makes those labels pointless.
The reason you are confused is that sexual activity is fun.
However, if you masturbate, strangely you are not called a mono-sexual. In contrast, due to the special status homosexuality receives, it is still an insult to be called gay, especially when called that from a gay person.
When a gay person calls someone gay they mean to imply that you no longer like members of the opposite sex. How one could come to that conclusion makes no sense.
Rubbing private parts is fun, one can't deny that. If one can do that alone one can do that with others regardless of their gender.
That does not in any way change the fact that women and men solely can have the special bond that forms due to having the same biological offspring.
Our private parts are not very bright, and that's all one really needs to say about why people would enjoy sex that doesn't lead to reproduction.
However, the real telling issue which really points out the stupidity of this whole gay thing is that while you are saying everyone is gay, its due to the fact that probably everyone would enjoy engaging in intercourse with a member of the same sex with no strings attached. In your world that means they are gay. Which then means that even though they would do the same with someone of the opposite sex, you would label them and insult them.
You are half right and dead wrong. Everyone can enjoy gay sex and heterosexual sex.
You would say that that makes everyone gay, I would say that that makes those labels pointless.
Well you took this one step too far. Of course not everyone is gay, it was just a joke.
And I don't know where the whole masturbation thing came into it. As for everyone being able to enjoy both heterosexual and homosexual sex, I don't think so. Personally, I wouldn't find heterosexual sex enjoyable at all.
You're confusing your feelings with everyone else's. And I'm pretty sure most of my gay friends would agree.
Sorry for double posting. And I completely missed the joke you were intending, but the point of the joke was still wrong I think.
The masturbation thing was to help prove two points:
When say, male politicians or pastors are "outed" for being gay it matters not how many times they've been with a women. One time with a man and they are "gay". So it is a sort of insult while if one were to be consistent, masturbating one time should make a person a mono-sexual. So "outing" someone as gay is actually used as an insult and rarely ever means anything.
The other point is that since people can enjoy "mono-sexuality", they could necessarily enjoy sex with either gender. After all, that's obviously a triumph of mind-over matter, if everyone was either gay, straight or bisexual, how could they have "sex" with nothing at all?
The entire labeling system is flawed because sex has merely become something people do for fun.
The reason a lot of people are "gay" is that no longer is the majority of sex used to procreate, so it doesn't matter who one performs it with.
It really doesn't matter whether you are having sex with a man or a women when you are not intending to have a child, and that's why the whole homo-sexual, hetero-sexual, bisexual thing is pointless now. It isn't really about sex in terms of what biology deals with, its just about a method of having fun.
Making a major category about what one might want to do to have fun and then elevating it basically to the top-most importance and studying it scientifically and wondering about it is pointless.
Declaring that you would never want to have sex with a man is also pointless. You might want to someday but force yourself not to because you are "gay".
I think you are not being honest with yourself and that the "gay" movement is as rigid as those who "hate queers".
After all, all those who have attacked people who claim to have changed from being gay to being straight are certainly enforcing some sort of dogma.
Firstly, maybe it's because I'm British. If you're American, then I totally understand that you don't get my humour.
Okay, that's your opinion. But I know in myself that I would never have sex with a man, simply because the majority repulse me. (Not including gay guys, obviously, they are fabulous!) I wouldn't ever be in a relationship with one, not because I may or may not enjoy sex with them, but because I just enjoy the company of women so much more. They are better to look at, they give better conversation and are much more sensitive, generally, than men. In my opinion.
After all, being with someone isn't just for sex, it's for having a loving relationship. I wouldn't force myself not to have sex with a man, and I can honestly say that I would never want to: David Beckham could show up on my doorstep and I still wouldn't go there.
As for taking things too seriously, this is what you have done. For such a light-hearted blog, you've blown it completely out of context. Thankyou for stating your opinion, but I was just suggesting that the world might be just that little bit cooler if it were a gay one.
After I was told it was a joke I thought the joke was that some religious people say everybody is straight and that you were turning that around.
What you are saying about men is actually really bigoted. So because you are a bigot you don't like men?
In terms of what is a relationship: there isn't really anything special about exactly two people together except for the one relationship in which they can share genetic code in one offspring. What else special is there?
Most men have male friends, most women have female friends. If they decide that they have fun having sex as well, why is that so important or considered more than a close friendship in which a run activity is shared?
I don't see why men should disgust you. Men can act in just about any way and so can women. That includes bisexual men/women, and gay men/women.
I think there is a sort of set of beliefs that is shared by a community which you follow but aren't necessarily true. What about men who act like women? Would you like them? You say you like gay men, but would you have sex with a gay man?
It sort of doesn't make sense to me that lesbian women are often stated to have male characteristics and gay men female characteristics and that being some stated reason for why they choose to have sex with their own, but that would actually imply to me that gay men would like lesbians sexually and vice versa so that makes no sense.
All that makes sense to me is the fact that women like being friends with women any way and that in a non-reproductive sexual relationship, gender would be irrelevant.
Of course, you can be as you like, I just think it is not such a big deal as requiring one to even mention they are gay, let alone have a specific separate culture built up around it.
I think the culture you guys build up around your sexual orientation is harmful now that you guys are not persecuted. I posted here because I really think everyone is bisexual and that thus all these labels are irrelevant because sex is nothing more than a fun activity unless it leads to children and is thus something more.
When women can reproduce with women I'll consider it something serious, but really it is nothing more than a fun activity.
Really there is no way everyone could really be gay. Evolution would not allow it.
Foremost Evandi, as a reader of this blog I am frakked as anything that you've decided to come in here and start a VERY out-of-context set of responses which, frankly, don't seem to have any integral point. A few things stuck out, and I'd be thrilled if you'd be so kind as to listen to my rant, as I have just read yours. Deal? Great stuff.
You say that we are "not persecuted". I'm sorry, have you not had any exposure to the real life in the past 15 years? Gay persecution has gotten better, I will admit. BUT, gay people, just like myself, still suffer from a good amount of discrimination. Please don't base your arguments on opinion-based facts which are very much false.
In addition, your reduction of sex to simply something that's "fun", in my opinion, should be abhorred. As you seem to have this scientific basis drilled into you for some reason, I would seriously advise you to not reduce something as liberating and dynamic as sexual intercourse. Saying that, "sex is nothing more than a fun activity unless it leads to children and is thus something more," is, from MY eyes, extremely bigoted in itself.
Oh noes, I can'ts have teh children so onlys can I haz teh basic, meaningless fun! OH NOES! QQ!
Err, no.
Finally, just like the writer of this blog, I feel that you have completely blown the light-heartedness of this blog out of the water. Again, I'm wondering what point you have to argue here? If you want to go and have an argument, go and find one. I know for a fact that neither myself, nor the author, wants your meaningless comments.
Oh, and evolution? Don't get me started. They've yet to actually prove it exists beyond those lovely fossils. Yum. :]
I'm sorry if this has come across excessively harsh. I didn't mean it to be that way. Simple, stop trying to garner a fight for something which really doesn't need one. Thank you.
Ok 'evandi' can I just ask you this question then?
Do you think that when I have sex with my girlfriend it is just 'for fun'?
Don't be stupid. We do it because sex, to us, is an act that two people commit when they love each other so much that they can't help but love each other both mentally and physically.
From now on, I don't care what you say about 'everyone being bisexual'.
I am GAY and I am proud of it.
I don't label myself just for the fun of it, I label myself because it's who I am.
babe, im a christian, and im bisexual.I think maybe people just misintepret the bible and go ohh homosexuality is wrong yadda yadda yadda. :)
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